1st cup “The MiNiCARLAND CAFE goes BOOM!”
ーMimica goes jealous?ー
Grandpa Alan taught me how to make cakes.
We, at MiNiCARLAND CAFE, always provide 7 types of handmade cakes.ヾ(⌒▽⌒)ゞ
These cakes made by Pino surely tastes great! I really love it!
I understand that Mimica gets jealous.w
◆PiNO and MiMiCA
◆1st cup “The MiNiCARLAND CAFE goes BOOM!”
●Story / Cocosart
●Illustration / Minami Hotta
●Translation / Yutaka Izaki
●Produce / “PiNOMiMi”production committee
●Copyrights / MiNiCAR LAND
◆1st cup “The MiNiCARLAND CAFE goes BOOM!”
●Story / Cocosart
●Illustration / Minami Hotta
●Translation / Yutaka Izaki
●Produce / “PiNOMiMi”production committee
●Copyrights / MiNiCAR LAND